Contact & About

About The Felted Bee & The Artist

The Felted Bee is a cottage business focusing on wool, oil and wax. Jen McCarthy is the artist and owner behind the creations that you see on this website and at her studio in Rockland, MA. From her studio she creates works of arts including two and three dimensional artworks using wool, oil and wax. Jen also loves to share her knowledge with others, come take a class in needle or wet felting, painting or drawing. Or pick up a DIY needle felting kit that she designs so that people can learn about the fun and addicting art of wool sculpture.  To keep in the loop and to learn about all the buzz, sign up for The Felted Bee newsletter at the bottom of the page.

Please email Jen at or message her on Instagram. Do not call any number that looks like it could be associated with The Felted Bee. We do not have a phone. 



Here is Jen aka "The Felted Bee" at the ICA in Boston.

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